Friday, February 26, 2010


The music hits and off i go
My feet hit the ground
The wind so cool on my face and in my hair
The motion charges me
Each time my foots hit the pavement
The music pumps in my ears
The beats are hard and heavy
Like my feet as they push me forward
My muscles tighten and energy rips through them
Pick it up pick it up
My second wind kicks in and it's euphoric
The sweat drips off my face and crackles with energy
Just a little further
The music beats with the energy of my body
I can see it in my sights
Don't stop now
My legs push on and my arms tighten up
This is not where i want to stop
I push on a little further
I stop and am very tired
but filled with so much energy


My hands are bloodied from work
but the thing$ i have are here for me.
My time is $pent so far away
and not with whom I love.
The dollars can $tifle your heart
and cover your eyes.
Can it truly buy happine$$?
It can truly take it away.
A pauper has the time
to be a richer man than I.
And when im long and gone
what will be my worth?
measured in happiness
and not the size of my pur$e.

Sunday, February 21, 2010


An oldie but goodie. i wrote waaaaay back when i was in high school.this one is actually in the national library of poetry.

For some it is honor
For some it is skill
For some it is an instrument of death
Its use is historic
Holding importance in war
For over a life time
Its skill is awesome
In the hands of a master
Its purpose more consuming
than a simple pull of a trigger
It demands skill
Concentration and discipline,
It separates the strong from the weak
On the battle field

Monday, February 15, 2010

Winter sky Haiku

Cold gray skies I wish
For when you finally leave
To have my warm sun


You’ve held me up when I could not stand

You always stood by my side and held my hand

Your ear was always there

Even In your silence I know you care

Your affection and love was there and more

Even though that’s never what I asked for

You are what defines a real friend

Someone who helps my wounds mend

With all the scars carried through life

You always helped with the strife

I can never repay you for all the help you’ve given me

But I had to let you know your support was key

And so I write these words

For my loving sith lords

Blogg'n it out !

so this is the start of my blog yay